
Last Evangelist David Heavener Ministry

David Heavener is an award-winning Hollywood producer of over 50 films for HBO, Showtime, and network TV but now he and his wife, Shanita, are exposing the demonic deception of Hollywood mind control and much more. Your TV Membership transforms lives.

Your Spiritual Family

We offer online events, prayer groups, community chat and much more.

We are a home for those who’ve been hurt by church.

We walk with the brokenhearted, vulnerable and disillusioned.

We fight for the lives of innocent children all over the world.

Who is David Heavener?

“With David’s success over 35 years as an indy filmmaker, starring, writing and producing for HBO, Showtime and more, Backstage West labeled him, “down-home hybrid of Orson Welles,” and Martin Landau said, “This is the best-directed film I’ve ever been in.”

David’s double-life though, as a Sunday music minister and a Monday-Friday R-rated filmmaker, caught up with him.

God brought him to integrity, where now he brings Christ into his filmmaking, and his filmmaking into church.

Even though many of his Hollywood people now find him too “religious” and his church people find him too ‘Hollywood,” David says, “now I’m an Ezekiel hybrid, warning as a watchman, and I’m directed by the Lord instead of my agenda.”



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