
Why aren’t you on Pureflix?

David Heavener: The Man Who Would Not Sell Out
Rae Sunshine Lee
In a prior article the author covered the birth of Last Evangelist, a 6-episode mini-series revealed to David Heavener, by God, in the year of 2017. Before the pandemic which was released in 2019, Mr. Heavener awoke in the middle of the night to an unmistakable instruction from God. God instructed David to grab a pen and prepare himself for a night of writing. Once completed, three and a half hours later, he looked at his writings and realized he had written six fully completed episodes of the series now known as Last Evangelist.
Once completed, David set about the arduous task of showing his current creation to the many contacts he had, and there were many. As he continued to reach out to these well-known producers and legends, he noticed something. Although many of them thought it had potential, none of them would touch it. It wasn’t until later, after he had exhausted the list of the ones he thought would be most interested, when he cried out to God and asked for His help. The answer he got from our Heavenly Father was a bit astounding, as well as rather humbling. God reminded David that this revelation was for a specific people, a peculiar people if you will, God’s people.

To a man who started out in the entertainment industry: spending many years in the limelight of celebrity status, also many years starring in action films in the nineties and getting to a point of writing 9 feature films for Amazon, one might think that this type of humility might be unattainable. Sometimes, though, something happens when one realizes, without the shadow of a doubt, that he had been contacted by God. THAT is a humbling experience. David finally realized what God had been trying to tell him. God had allowed him the opportunity to use his own resources, to no avail, and it was at that time when God gave him the revelation that David was to present the idea of Last Evangelist, not to the Hollywood contacts that David had spent many years working with, but to God’s people. David was reminded that this project was God’s project, and was not to be squandered as pearls before swine.
Since that time, David Heavener has done just that. He believed that God wanted him to make the shooting of this project available to those peculiar people who only wanted to help with whatever they had, prayers first and foremost, then financial donations, etc., and that is how Episode 1 was finally completed. It’s not like David had a lot of money; he didn’t. He had something even more important. He had a sense that when God wanted something for His children, God would make a way where there is no way. And He did. Thus, completing Episode 1, David uploaded it to his website, www.DavidHeavener.tv, in 2022. The first episode is also available via Roku, Firestick, Apple and Android.

Here’s the trailer

During this time, he proceeded to Episode 2, still as always depending on God for support. Other ideas presenting themselves, David worked on many other productions, all with Biblical values, and had them uploaded to his website.   At the time of this writing, David is completing the shooting of Episode 2. Once fully completed, this labor of love will be ready for upload as well. And he never once sold out to any major studios; per God’s instruction, he made it available to God’s peculiar people, always bringing the Glory back to God. When God gives a revelation that is followed, God will always back up His Word.
    Romans 4:20-21 KJV
He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief; but was strong in faith, giving glory to God; And being fully persuaded that, what he had promised, he was able also to perform.
As God continues to provide, Last Evangelist will continue to its final conclusion.

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